Why We're Called Saint Scout

A nametag floating in the sky reads "hello, my name is saint scout"

To anyone out there who has named a business before, first and foremost, I applaud you: before going through this process I had no appreciation for how hard this is. Generally, you want something that resonates, feels unique yet not too random, that doesn’t sound like a botched Scrabble attempt, and (importantly!) isn't already taken. I get asked about our name—Saint Scout—quite often, so I wanted to take a moment to explain how I got to it.

The "Saint" in Saint Scout

Let’s start with the first part: “Saint.” In the most colloquial sense, we often say, “You’re a saint!” when someone goes above and beyond to help us out. That’s exactly how we aspire to be at Saint Scout—like a good friend who shows up with warm food or a cold beer when you’ve had a long day. We pride ourselves on being a Goldilocks studio: small enough to provide personalized attention, yet mighty in our expertise and the value we deliver.

What about "Scout"?

To me, the word “Scout” brings to mind images of preparedness and resourcefulness. Scouts are the ones leading the pack, bravely surveying what lies ahead, ensuring everything runs smoothly. In the world of website design and branding, that’s precisely what we aim to do: navigate the digital wilderness and uncover the best tools, opportunities, and trends for our clients.

A Personal Touch

Of course, it’s not all business—the name carries a personal touch as well. I’ve always had a soft spot for the character Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird. She’s one of the story's heroes, embodying courage, curiosity, and a fierce sense of justice. She asks questions, isn’t afraid to go against the grain, and has a lovable spunkiness about her. As a fan of that novel, having a tie to her character felt like a small tribute.

And let’s not forget my sister, who was nicknamed Scout when we were kids. She’s a constant source of inspiration and support in my life, and it feels nice to think of her when I see or hear the same "Saint Scout."

The Naming Struggle is Real

To be honest, coming up with a name that someone else hadn’t already taken was also a much bigger challenge than I anticipated. I went through countless variations, brainstorming sessions, and crumpled post-its before landing on Saint Scout. A few times, I thought I’d landed on the golden egg, only to do a Google search and realize that the name was already taken by another business : s%$t! Back to the drawing board.

So there you have it, the story behind the name Saint Scout. A blend of personal significance, and a representation of our values as an agency.

Personal reflections